Hello, Newgrounds!
I have heard tell of this website since I was, like, 10 years old, and never ever touched it before. Now that I'm in need of a new site for art sharing and art community, I thought I'd try NG out now!
First thing that caught my eye was TOM FULP?! Holy MOLY how did I never know that this guy was heavily involved in Newgrounds?? (and now I'm seeing the Castle Crasher and Alien Hominid in the background, waaat!!)
I played Castle Crashers when I was about 12 and it has remained one of my favorite games of all time.
Well, uh, I guess.. what better way to kick off my start here by sharing my old Castle Crashers FANART xD?
DISCLAIMER: I drew this on an iPad first gen when I was 14, in 2010!
Then I drew the same picture with pencil on paper the following year! (because I was NOT into digital back then???)
Anyway, that's my first "news post" !
If anyone comes across this and has any tips for getting involved in the art community here, I'd love to hear it! <3
Thanks for looking!
- abigaia